Saturday, 23 April 2011

Behind the veil

Behind the veil
                          Assad Hariz
Freedom of speech,liberty,equality the three cornerstones of modern day western democracy ,the right way to rule the only option for this world and America’s first choice has come down in shatters when the candy president of France NikolasSsarkozy announced the ban of the Burkha(Naqaab). Liberalists and feminists cheered the decision saying it was the victory of woman, their freedom . many others welcomed it because they were against religion and religious symbols and some others just because it had something to do with ISLAM.
The dictionary of the world has now been rewritten. Liberation means walking down the street nude. Freedom of speech means defaming Islam and whatever the Muslims respect. Media controlled racial attacks have been going on for decades.With the advent of visual media and its high speed distribution, it has become easier and the Zionists and anti religionists have taken full advantage of it. This ban on burkha is one of their achievements against Islam.
Consider the issue from a more humanitarian and democratic view. If a country allows woman to wear two piece clothing and walk in the streets without any problem, it is obviously possible for a woman to wear a burkha and do the same. She has the right to wear it. It is part of her integrity and womanhood. People who oppose the Naqaab talk about identity issues, communication issues but they are nothing but lame arguments to cover up their vested interests. A Naqaab is a sister’s personal choice .When a lady walks with a miniskirt or a bikini ,it doesn’t raise a cry , not even a whisper from the government bodies and the ever hungry media but when a woman chooses to dress herself modestly, it sparks fire in the hearts of the so called liberalists and feminists and the right wing activists.The right wing parties have opposed dignity,modesty and basic womens rights when they offended the right of a Muslim sister to wear what she likes.?Unfortunately it was something that they didn’t like to watch her wear. Are they fighting for women’s rights or are they degrading and caging women into their carnal interests???
Europe the greatest advocate of freedom and liberty has succumbed to the vested interests of right wing to deny the basic right of every sister.

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