Sunday, 24 April 2011

The chemical war

ENDOSULFAN: We dont need it..

The political world has done more than enough to make the lives of the poor farmers miserable . The soil now reaps painfully red blood and deformed children. this war had begun in the 50s unknowingly,and now it has grown into a farmer killer. The US banned it as soon as it was found that it has resulted in pregnancy related problems but India is still very shaky and infirm on this issue. The people were shocked when the central government showed no signs of banning it. The Kasergod (south India) tragedy has wrecked the place. why doesn't these adamant politicians look into the eyes of the poor babies who lie without any help, begging for mercy. why doesn't these politicians feel the cry in the hearts of the poor parents? 
It is sad to see the youth of the metro and 'building jungles' not aware of what this hue and cry is all about. Its late but better late than never, we need to educate and protest.Every Indian , should be aware of the harm,how hazardous is this chemical Dracula and why some men are keen on keeping it .The chemical banned in more than 80 countries till date is not banned in  the largest democracy of this world? A tragedy of this era.
while the world is going to discuss on this issue tomorrow at the Stockholm convention, the state of Kerala(India) has declared the day to be ENDOSULFAN protest day.hope the world heeds to the cry of the farmers of Kasergod, and numerous other victims around the world.

what is ENDOSULFAN??
Endosulfan protest day 25th April2011!/event.php?eid=197779380263923 


  1. Nice one dude...but it wl be nice to cahange the font colour of the description about the word "Adhaaira".it cannot b read wid that colour. :-)

  2. azdo goahead and make it large............
